(Recession? What recession?)

Wishfull thinking.

Some of us out there are starting to hear the worst of the financial crisis is behind us, that the markets are showing signs of positive growth (as opposed to the unbelievably stupid "negative growth" - honestly, I mean... "negative growth"...).


Judging by the higly predictive nature of the research found on this site, this simply is rubbish. Costs have gone down, coffee beans have become an endangered species. The cutlery has been sold by hungry middle managers hours before corporate death. The corporate world is being taken over by camera-equipped hot-water vending machines that report how time and resources are being wasted.

Things are really not looking that good at all. Read your coffee.


Tool: Unidentifiable
Taste: Hot water
Temperature: Tepid
Tumbler: Plastic (of course)

Comment: A company that makes 5.2 billion EUR selling off its most profitable business unit can surely dig deep in its pockets to find the cash to offer its distinguished guests a decent cup of coffee. No. It'll promote its plastics (disposable cups), and minimise its environmental impact by not heating the water.

This must be the tip of the cost-cutting iceberg.


Tool: Espresso-Style Vending Machine
Taste: Nescafé
Temperature: Hot
Tumbler: Plastic, throw-away

Comment: How can a no-frills bank earn even more money other than serving Nescafé in plastic throw-away cups? Obvious. Asking you to serve yourself whilst the meeting room gets prepared.

I'm getting desperate. Signs are out there. Read on the next post.