Toyota Industrial Equipment Europe

Tool: Schaerer automatic espresso machine, with built-in grinder
Taste: Average
Temperature: Perfect
Tumbler: Ordinary, unbranded china.

Clearly a humble, yet hi-tech company, with high standards. However, European management still needs to get involved in bean sourcing policies. No expenses spared, choice between biscuit or chocolate. Proper spoon (not the usual throw away plastic "thing"), Toyota is clearly a green company. And you, their valued guest.

Glaverbel - Brussels

Tool: Automatic douwe-egberts, pre-prepared drip type
Taste: Average
Temperature: Tepid
Tumbler: Ordinary china

Glaverbel's coffee is an average corporate coffee. The emphasis is set on initial appearence with a proper cup, but moves on to a slight disappointment with the taste. Despite efficient service, the cuppa' shows no warmth. Cost control means no biscuits are provided.