
Tool: Lelit PL042EM classic style with integrated coffee grinder
Taste: Hey, we're talking instant ground Maragogype here, man!
Temperature: 93°c - dropped to 90°c during the process
Tumbler: Thick-walled super small china

Comment: This guy is clearly nuts, or in the wrong business. I mean, any Director of Photography would focus (no pun intended) on what your cup looks like. Getting the lights right. Patrice, Katodix's CEO (Chief Espresso Officer) is a stakhanovite of the espresso. He probably graduated from some remote italian MBA (Master in Barrista - Advanced) with honours. Yet Patrice remains humble. You'd probably have to torture him (by serving him Winbooks' coffee, e.g.) before he admits having been a consultant for Pavoni's 1905 PC16 relaunch. I guess this is going to be the one others are judged by.